
This is a collection of some of the projects I've completed in the past. This includes independent projects, group projects, and even past hackathons.

CourseCrafter (requires Cornell login) is a search engine for Cornell Courses that allows students to search for courses using natural language. I developed the initial iteration of the site, helped to grow the team, and primarily focused on the front-end (React) and deployment of the site.

Air Pod (GitHub) is an iOS game I developed using the Sparrow Framework. The game is developed in Objective-C. In it, users can tap to fly a rocket around a maze, using the accelerometer to navigate. It was based on and inspired by an older Game Maker game. It was formerly on the App Store.

OpenEDU (GitHub) first started as a submission to the 2018 Microsoft Imagine Cup Big Idea Contest, where we pitched a platform for volunteer teachers to provide advanced courses to high school students. I then lead development of the protoype for this, which was made in Ruby on Rails.

Forest Frenzy (YouTube demo) was a group hackathon project, where we developed a Unity-based endless runner game. This paired with a Python image processor that tracked the user's VR headset to allow them to jump around in the game.

TimeDojo (GitHub) was a social productivity timer. It features a JavaScript timer encouraging users to track 25-minute work sessions, then share progress with their friends. It was developed using Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.

CodingIRL was another hackathon project. The app, built in Game Maker, allowed users to create a sequence of instructions ("code") to follow in a VR maze. Then, users could enter the maze in Unity and follow the instructions they created to play, to teach the basics and power of coding.